Services Offered in Our Edmonton Office
Residents of Edmonton can take advantage of several of our services to satisfy their business and personal needs. Our Edmonton office offers the following services:
- Alberta Health Care
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Corporate Services
- Land Title Searches
- Motor Vehicle Services
- Out of Province Searches
- Personal Property Services
- Public Record Searches
- Translation Services
- Vital Statistics Searches

Alberta Health Care
Our office provides all Alberta Health Care services from new registrations, amendments, additions, address changes and card replacements.
Commissioner of Oaths
Do you have documents that require that you take an oath or solemn affirmation when you sign them? A commissioner of oaths is empowered by the provincial government to administer and witness such oaths and endorse the relevant documents with their name and the expiry of their appointment.
Corporate Services
Both out Edmonton and Calgary offices can provide full Corporate services. We have accredited experts who can provide corporate name research and name reservations (NUANS) support for Alberta and Federal corporations. We register new Incorporations, Trade Names & Partnerships, Annual Returns and more. We also provide the more complex services of a revival, amalgamation or continuance. In addition to the more complicated services we have a number of CORES Level 2 experts who provide assistance in the relatively simple incorporations of companies, professional corporations, limited liability partnerships and other matters.
Land Title Searches
Qualified and knowledgeable staff at Accu-Search Registries Inc. provide superior service from the land titles database, municipal sources and through other non-government databases for the following:
- Legal descriptions, tax searches & certificates
- Surface & mineral title searches
- Certified Regular & Historical titles
- Obtaining copies of land title documents, surveys & plans
- Services available in Alberta, and most other provinces & territories
Motor Vehicles
Our Edmonton office is here to help with all your Motor Vehicle needs. We provide:
- Licence Plate Registrations/Renewals
- Plate/Tab Replacements
- Vehicle Transfers
- Driver’s Licences
- Identification Cards
- Knowledge Testing
- and much more…
Out of Province Searches
We do a variety of Searches in other Provinces and across Alberta. Please contact our office for more information.
Personal Property Registry Searches & Registrations
Register your security interests, liens, judgments and more! All security interests, liens, judgments (writs of enforcement), bankruptcy registrations, etc. are required to be registered on the Personal Property Registry (PPR) System. In some cases, this will determine priorities during a recovery or distribution, and will also provide evidence of authorization for seizure or garnishment, or evidence restricting enforcement, for example, an expired security interest, garagekeeper’s lien or bankruptcy. In addition, this is the main database searched by financial institutions, creditors, landlords and others to determine credit information on debtors.
For more information on the PPR system, on filing your judgment (writ of enforcement) and assistance with garagekeeper’s liens, financing statements, etc., please contact us!
Public Record Searches
Our team can obtain Court and Bankruptcy Searches and more from the Edmonton and Calgary Court Houses. Our proximity to the Court Houses in both Edmonton and Calgary means that our Court Runners are able to personally attend to obtaining Court and Bankruptcy Searches, obtaining copies of documents, and filings during business hours.
Translation Services
We offer translation of legal documents from various languages. We have partnered up with Languages in Motion to provide translation services for all your official documents.
Vital Statistics
Register a birth, marriage, death and more at our Edmonton office. Our office can provide all Vital Statistic services. We provide:
- Birth Certificates
- Marriage Certificates
- Death Certificates
- Marriage Licenses
- Name Changes