Declaration of Trade Name - Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is the most straightforward business structure in which an individual can operate a business. It is not a distinct legal entity, but rather refers to an individual who owns and operates the business. As the sole proprietor, the individual assumes personal liability for all debts and financial obligations incurred by the business.

Steps to Register your Trade Name - Sole Proprietorship

  1. Fill out the Trade Name declaration form. 
  2. Provide a valid Government issued Photo Identification (Eg. - Passport, Driver’s License) 
  3. Complete the online registration form. 
  4. Fee for a trade name registration is $67.50. Transfer of Payment to Accu-Search Registry Inc via E-transfer or credit card authorization form. The registration will take between 2 hours turnaround if paperwork is complete.

Online Registration Form

    Delivery Method

    Terms & Conditions Statement